Friday, May 31, 2013

When I had two legs

And here again some more random pictures taken this last month here in San Francisco. 
Years ago I went to Ibiza and got surprised with the light there was, always shinny and so white, but now I think there is no light like Californian one!!!! Almost every day I wake up and the sun is waiting over the window, the sky is blue blue blue, and .... for me, coming from Bilbao, a place where this year the sun has decided not to go, this is something to be happy happy about. 
(from my bed I'm looking for positive things in my life, Pollyana moment, have you seen this film???) 

y aqui unas cuantas fotos de este ultimo mes en San Francisco. Estoy intentando vivir un momento Pollyana (habeis visto la peli? y sacar de un momento malo algo positivo). Y mirando fotos me doy cuenta de lo azul del cielo de SF, de lo bonitas que son las calles y de la luz tan impresionante que hay todos los dias!!!! 
Para muestra, las fotos!

Melissa Fleis and The New Black

In this month I couldn't find a moment to write a post, and now that I'll be in bed for a long period I've finally found something to do: share with you all the things I've been doing since I arrived in San Francisco.

Since I arrived here I've been at The New Black a couple of times, a modern gallery with a lot of nice projects here in San Francisco. But the time I've enjoyed the most was two weeks ago when I went to Melissa Fleis collection's runway. 

Melissa is a very young fashion designer from San Francisco and a Season 10 finalist in "Project Runway". As I haven't ever seen this program I didn't know what will I find once there, and have to say that I was very gratefully surprised. I got absolutely in love with one of her dresses (the red leather one in the pics).

She lives here, in the Mission, in San Francisco and you can see San Francisco's street style in her clothes... everything looked done with passion and love. Can't wait to see her next collection!!!! 

(ah! and Thank you Melissa for the bracelet you gave us!!! I love it!) I liked everything that much that I couldn't not follow her Instagram!!! 

Desde que legue a San Francisco he esta do tan ocupada que no encontraba un ratio para hacer ningùn post, pero ahora que me toca estar unos dias en la cama no se me occurred nada mejor que hacer.

Hace dos semanas fui a The New Black, espacio concevido como galeria pero con un monton de proyectos interesantes en marcha y me encanto lo que vi. Era el desfile de Melissa Fleis. No habia escuchado hablar de ella antes, pero fue una de las finalistas de la decima ediciòn de ProjectRunway, un programa televisivo muy conocido aqui (no tengo tele, y se nota).

La colecciòn me sorprendiò muy gratamente. Se nota que esta creada con pasiòn y amor por lo use hace, y yo no pude por mas que enamorarme perdidamente del vestido de piel rojo de la  foto. 

Gracias a Melissa por la pulserita que nos regalò, me encanta!!!! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

My San Francisco nightmare

In Spain to say that you are having a bad luck period we use "me ha mirado un tuerto" and in my case I could perfectly say that "me Han mirado mil tuerto a". After a difficult period, just arrived in SF, and missing my friends, family and Grace so much... and even a difficult work period, now that everything looked like going in the right way, the day before yesterday everything AGAIN changed... Don't ask me how, but I found myself laid in the ground in the middle of San Francisco.

The only thing I wanted was to cry, but everybody around me was looking at me and I stand up and continued my way... OK, now is two days that I'm at home, the doctor told me not to move my ankle, my leg and even my body for at least 4 days!!!!! this four days if it's not broken (that I won't know till tomorrow)... and to be honest I can't  think about something more boring than this. At home, alone the most of the day, and laid in bed!!!! OMG! 

The only think I want more is going to the gym and running and jumping! 

I see this pictures taken just three weeks ago and I can't even recognize me!!! 
(and I don't want to think about the kilos in more I'll have with me when this nightmare finish!! I can't stop eating!!!! ) :(((

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

El camino se demuestra andando

Sometimes is not so easy arriving to a new place, city, country and finding new friends, new plans... a new life.
Actually I'm feeling that my life starts to be done. I'm almost feeling at home here in San Francisco!
Like everywhere everything comes step by step... (pasito a paso), so the only thing one have to do y start walking, be corageus, and then things come out!
Sometimes not as fast as we would like to, but everything arrives in live.
So, just walk and smile... good things are coming!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Goriville instagram

Those weeks are crazy, I've no time for anything!
I'll try posting all the pictures I'm taking of San Francisco, but if you want to see something about my daily life you should follow me on my Instagram profile.


Friday, April 19, 2013


I'm so sorry if I've been lots of days without posting. But coming back from Spain to San Francisco, sometimes is harder than one could think. 

I've terrible jet lags each time I go from a place to another, and I fell a strong homesick (and Grace-sick) the firs days I'm in the US. 

However... I have some new pictures to show you, but today I'm posting this text I've found in my personal facebook. 
I can steel remind when I wrote that. I thought life was terrible and that I will never be happy again.. And since this "sentimental text" I can swear that I've been feeling happy, sad, terribly unhappy and depressed and so happy again. But that's life and this is living! Passing through all this feelings and more. 

Hope you like this text, is so ME!!!

Hoy he leído en alguna parte, en un medio que si lo digo nadie reconocería como fiable, una cosa que me ha removido por dentro. Una frase tan sencilla como esta:

* Para ser felices en la vida tenemos que saber que a veces está permitido llorar.

Una afirmación tan sencilla como esta, y que a veces nos resulta tan difícil.

Vivimos en un mundo en el que se nos obliga a ser felices
a estar bien o por lo menos a no demostrar nuestra tristeza al mundo. Vivimos a mil por hora, pensando que no tenemos tiempo, que las horas son pocas.

Parecerían las horas más intensas si nos permitiésemos disfrutar de ellas, vivirlas desde dentro.

Hay veces que para quitarnos esa tristeza no tenemos que hacer nada más complicado que Llorar. Algo tan sencillo, algo tan complicado.

Yo hoy he decidido llorar todas las veces que haga falta, para así poder quitarme la trsiteza de dentro. Tristeza que muchas veces es expulsada en forma de lágrima.

Yo hoy he decidido llorar, para así poder llegar a volar.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thought back post

In this days is always complicate doing pictures.. Lots of things to do!!!! But in reminding of my "old blog" Wendy Kroy, today here are some pictures taken when I just arrived in San Francisco! Love all of them! Hope you like them as well!

Estos dias con mil cosas por hacer es casi imposible sacar fotos de calidad. Pero en memoria de mi antiguo blog Wendy Kroy hoy publico unas fotos que publique en el mismo nada mas llegar a San Francisco! Espero que os gusten!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Madrid, que frio!

Today I'm in Madrid and  more I come to this city more I like it! Today is cold, but sunny!!!
The beers cost 2 euros and they give you a "tapa" with it. Everything is open, full of people and I see people happy!!!!
May be because today I'm HAPPY! Everything went in the best way, so...I'll be back in San Francisco in a week!!!!!!!
Now I go out to have fun, celebrate e take pictures!!!!

Hoy estoy en Madrid muertita de frio, pero contenta contenta!
Cada vez que vengo pienso que es una ciudad que me encanta! Ojala tuviera mar...
Pero una ciudad donde las cañas cuestan 2 euros con tapa y ves solete fresco por la mañana y la gente vestida de colores y cara de alegria...como no me va a gustar!
Como todo ha salido genial, en una semana estoy de vuelta dn San Francisco, asi que ahora me voy a celebrarlo, divertirme y sacar unas fotos!!!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Romeo & Julieta

Coming back home, Portugalete, for a few days makes me appreciate the things I couldn't see when I lived here. Everything looks better when we see it from far or only like "tourist".

Today, after a lovely lunch with a friend,  I've been in my childhood park, "El parque de los monos", and I've been very very gratefully  surprised!I can't understand why I didn't used to go when I lived here!!!!

Here are some pictures!  Can you see the stairs and the balcony??? Is like Romeo and Julieta's balcony! The only thing I've missed has been my own Romeo! ;)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hola familia!!!!!

And after a long long long trip here I am! Once again with my family!

I can't descrive how beautifull is the moment you see your parents, aunts and friends and seems like if everything was the same.

I've had so many changes in my life in last two months, two months are nothing... but anyway I do feel that this two months will be important for the rest of my life!

I'll try to take more pictures next days with friends and grace...and post all of them.

Good night from my jetlag, is 4am already and can't close my eyes!!!!